Internationaal webinar | Inspiring Practices in Corporate Skills-Based Volunteering


15-11-2022 om 10:00


15-11-2022 om 11:30

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Onze collega's van IAVE (International Association for Volunteer Effort) organiseren een webinar over Inspirerende voorbeelden van corporate skills-based vrijwilligerswerk. Het webinar staat open voor alle geïnteresseerden in dit onderwerp. (Voertaal Engels, Let op starttijd is Eastern Time).

Omschrijving webinar

Earlier this year IAVE released Corporate Volunteering for a Post Pandemic World. This comprehensive research on corporate volunteering and how it happens in each region of the world was the result of nearly 200 interviews, with representation from 80 companies.

While skills-based volunteering has existed for decades, there now is a rapid acceleration in its popularity among companies, employees and the communities they serve. This webinar will highlight the global programs of two companies: AXA and Cognizant. Following the presentation, there will be a facilitated discussion for members of IAVE’s Global Corporate Volunteer Council.


Aanmelden kan rechtstreeks op de website van IAVE.

Meer weten over skills-based volunteering

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